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AWS cloud migration costs: What to expect?

Are you wondering about the true cost and return on investment of AWS cloud migration? Find out what to expect when it comes to AWS cloud migration costs.

Google Cloud Next 21 focusing on sustainability

One of the important themes in Google Cloud Next 21 has been to address climate change by featuring services to monitor and reduce energy consumption.

Are you happy with how your current AWS partner manages your cloud?

Choosing to work with an AWS MSP partner to run and secure your cloud operations is a smart choice. But are you satisfied with your current partner?

Overwhelmed by AWS migration?

Are you planning on migrating to AWS cloud, but not sure where to begin the process? Read the blog how to get on the path to a successful cloud journey.

Responsive images with Optimizely (Episerver) and ImageResizer

Normal definition “one-size-fits-all” images don’t cut it these days. See how ImageResizer can generate different sized variants of an image on the fly.

High performance WordPress image processing with VIPS

In addition to GD and ImageMagick, there is a third contender for image processing on WordPress. See how VIPS compares and how you can get started!

More flexibility to web development with Jamstack

What is the best way for addressing flexibility, adaptability and scalability issues in the development of a web solution? Read more on Jamstack.

Mitä yhteistä on liiketoiminnan ketteryydellä ja aamupalalla?

Pelilaudalla on kaksikymmentä arkista sanaa ja yhtä monta ketterän ohjelmistokehityksen termiä. Lopputuloksena on hulvaton keskustelu, jossa yhdistäviä tekijöitä etsitään mm. vanhemmuuden ja kolmen...

Tekoäly ja ketterä ohjelmistokehitys – uhka vai mahdollisuus?...

Tiimissä tulee ainakin olla tekoälyekspertin lisäksi muutama koodaaja sekä testaaja, joka ymmärtää tekoälysoftan testaamisen erityispiirteet.